Setting: "The towns people are packed into the sweltering courtroom. Court is in session, the fans are pumping."(Lee 37)

The teacher believes that he did nothing wrong by teaching creationsim as there is more than just evolution.

"I wrote to the newspaper in Baltimore. They're sending somebody."(Lee 10)
The newspaper sends the best lawyer for the defendent.

"Imagine. Matthew Harrison Brady, comin' here."(Lee 9)
Opposing the defense is former presidential canidate and lawyer. The devout christian believes he is an expert on the bible.
"In this community, Cololnel Drummond, the language of the law is clear:we do not need experts to question the validity of a law that is already on the books."(Lee 83)
The judge in this case is cleary on the side of the prosecution.
"I opened it up and read my sophomore class chapter 17 , Darwin's Origin of Species."(Lee 8)
The teacher, Mario teaches his class about darwarinism, which is against the law.
"I'm supposed to be in jail;I'd better be in jail!"(Lee 10)
The teacher is arrested for his teachings and is put in jail.
"Can someone tell me-is this Cates a criminal by nature?"(Lee 24)
The prosecution gets on the side of the town by making the teacher out as a criminal and evil.
"I have faith in the Bible!"(89).
Once again, the prosectution gains the support of the town by showing his belief in christianity.
"I suppose everbody's all steamed up about Brady coming."(Lee 8)
The town shows their appreciance and support of the prosectution by welcoming him and praising him.
"The Baltimore herald is sending two representitives to "Heavenly Hillsboro": The most brilliant reporter in America today, Myself. And the most agile legal mind of the twentieth century, Henry Drummond."(Lee 26)
Defense conters by sending the best lawyer to defend the defense.

"Everything in the Bible should be accepted, exactly as it is given there"(87).
The trial begins with the prosecution and everyone else present showing their stance of creationims being the only theory of evolution

"Man was sort of evoluted. From the 'Old World Monkeys"'(69).
The defense counters with their believe on evolution

They continue to argue back and forth until the jury finally comes to a decision.
"The jury's decision is unanimous."
Will he be charged guilty or not?